Changing the way America recycles.

All over the country, people are putting things in recycling bins with the hope of making a positive impact, not knowing that a huge amount of recycling is getting sent to the landfill. Find out how to do it the right way by using our Recycling Guide.


Rainbow Bins is a recycling system designed to separate items by material to help America rethink, measure and improve the way it disposes of materials that can be reused, all in one easy-to-use bin system.


Educate Users

Rainbow Bins is creating a consistent education system so that people who want to recycle can do it in a way that makes sure fewer recyclables end up in the landfill.

Reduce Contamination

By separating the recycling at home and rinsing it properly, users will dramatically reduce contamination in the recycling system so that more products can be recycled.

Measure the Outcome

Those who are using the Rainbow Bins system will be able to measure just exactly how much they are recycling to get a clear picture on how to change habits and make a greater impact.

It’s time to change how we recycle.

Did you know that only 15% of what goes into the recycling bin ends up actually getting recycled? This is because almost all of us are recycling incorrectly. And each piece of material that gets tossed incorrectly into the recycling bin contributes to straining an already fragile system. In addition, more than 20 Million tons of curbside recyclable materials are disposed of annually in the United States and sent to a landfill. Now is the time to do things differently.


How Rainbow Bins solves the problem.

Rainbow Bins encourages a sustainable lifestyle through thinking about the big picture. If we ask people to start sorting responsibly, materials can arrive at the facility in the intended condition. By improving the way people feel about recycling, we can build a broader understanding of how to interact with our waste overall.